Missioni Italia. Investimenti, innovazione e immaginazione - Rapporto per il Governo Italiano
Missioni Italia. Investimenti, innovazione e immaginazione - Rapporto per il Governo Italiano

Mariana Mazzucato

Added on 11/10/2021

Scenario Economia
Ritual design: crafting team rituals for meaningful organizational change
Ritual design: crafting team rituals for meaningful organizational change

Kursat Ozenc
Margaret Hagan

Added on 11/10/2021

Reimagining the office for immensely human interactions
Reimagining the office for immensely human interactions

Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks
Maxim Sytch

Added on 11/10/2021

Governing missions in the European Union
Governing missions in the European Union

Mariana Mazzucato

Added on 11/10/2021

Scenario Economia
Team rituals: how to create trust and alignment through inclusive traditions
Team rituals: how to create trust and alignment through inclusive traditions

Shane Snow

Added on 11/10/2021

Play is serious business for elephants
Play is serious business for elephants

Caitlin O'Connell

Added on 11/10/2021

Creating villages: a teambuilding strategy using tribal rituals
Creating villages: a teambuilding strategy using tribal rituals

G.C. Lasker
J. Jenkins
S. Schuette
C.I. Grove

Added on 11/10/2021

The secret to supporting your workforce in critical times
The secret to supporting your workforce in critical times

Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks
Maxim Sytch

Added on 11/10/2021

A green economic renewal from the Covid-19 crisis
A green economic renewal from the Covid-19 crisis

UCL Institute For Innovation And Public Purpose

Added on 11/10/2021

Scenario Economia
Dalla Luna alla Terra via mare
Dalla Luna alla Terra via mare

Editoriale Del Numero 8/21 Di Limes

Added on 01/10/2021

La sconfitta afghana e una nuova strategia per l’America
La sconfitta afghana e una nuova strategia per l’America

George Friedman

Added on 01/10/2021

Lezioni afghane
Lezioni afghane

Lucio Caracciolo

Added on 01/10/2021

The global exploration roadmap
The global exploration roadmap

International Space Exploration Coordination Group

Added on 28/09/2021

Companies must find the courage to back up statements on climate action
Companies must find the courage to back up statements on climate action

Andrew Winston
Paul Polman

Added on 28/09/2021

The Global Risks Report 2021
The Global Risks Report 2021

World Economic Forum

Added on 28/09/2021

Global exploration roadmap – Lunar surface exploration scenario update
Global exploration roadmap – Lunar surface exploration scenario update

International Space Exploration Coordination Group

Added on 28/09/2021

AI adoption skyrocketed over the last 18 months
AI adoption skyrocketed over the last 18 months

Joe McKendrick

Added on 28/09/2021

Scienza e tecnologia le chiavi per affrontare il futuro
Scienza e tecnologia le chiavi per affrontare il futuro

Roberto Battiston

Added on 28/09/2021

Le conseguenze dell’Afghanistan: il mondo questa settimana
Le conseguenze dell’Afghanistan: il mondo questa settimana

Daniele Santoro
Federico Petroni

Added on 24/09/2021

What a taliban government will look like
What a taliban government will look like

Lynne O’Donnell

Added on 24/09/2021

Does Afghanistan mark the end of American Empire?
Does Afghanistan mark the end of American Empire?

Zalan Khan

Added on 24/09/2021

The fall of the Afghan government and what it means for Europe
The fall of the Afghan government and what it means for Europe

European Council On Foreign Relations

Added on 24/09/2021

GINEVRA: uno sguardo al futuro tra leadership e innovazione
GINEVRA: uno sguardo al futuro tra leadership e innovazione

Jelena Urosevic

Added on 23/09/2021

Innovazione Leadership
Towards a new enlightenment?
Towards a new enlightenment?

Alex Pentland
Alexander Lipton
Thomas Hardjono

Added on 21/09/2021
