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IT EN00:26:32September 2024Human in the loop: the ethical challenge of artificial intelligence Paolo BenantiUniversity Lecturer in Neuroethics, Bioethics and Moral Theology, Pontifical Gregorian University
IT EN00:31:31September 2024Flying beyond the limits: the Space Economy and AstroSamantha's experienceSamantha CristoforettiAstronaut, ESA – European Space Agency
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IT EN00:36:27September 2024The world after the US elections: how geopolitical balance is changing Federico RampiniColumnist and Author, Corriere della Sera
IT EN00:40:22September 2024A journey into the new Europe: the role of the youthEnrico LettaRapporteur; President, European Council; Jacques Delors Institut - Notre Europe
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IT EN00:35:10June 2024The perfectionism trap and the impacts on performance. The unbearable heaviness of perfectionThomas CurranAssociate Professor of Psychological and Behavioural Science, London School of Economics
IT00:54:29June 2024Orchestratori e solisti: l’equilibrismo dei miglioriMarco GrazioliPresidente, The European House - Ambrosetti
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IT00:20:26June 2024Responsabilità - Intervento di Gianmatteo ManghiGianmatteo ManghiAmministratore Delegato, Cisco Italia
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IT00:43:30May 2024Il ruolo dell’innovazione e delle continue disruption tecnologiche: sfide e opportunità Massimo SideriAdjunct Professor di Storia socio-economica dell'innovazione, Università Luiss Guido Carli
IT00:25:13May 2024Fare la differenza: l’esperienza di Daniela Fatarella di Save The ChildrenDaniela FatarellaDirettrice Generale, Save The Children Italia
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