IT00:30:02October 2023La grande guerra arriva in IsraeleLucio CaraccioloDirettore, Limes e Scuola di Limes
IT EN00:30:29October 2023GPT and Generative AI Chat: a disruption to seize Michael WadeProfessor of Innovation and Strategy and Director, IMD Global Center for Digital Business Transformation
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EN01:32:14September 2023Il percorso verso l’eccellenzaJan ArduiEsperto di leadership ed executive coaching, psicoterapeuta
EN00:52:19September 2023L’eccellenza nella propria leadershipJan ArduiEsperto di leadership ed executive coaching, psicoterapeuta
EN01:09:13September 2023Un rapporto sano con il potere: evitare le sofferenze inutiliJan ArduiEsperto di leadership ed executive coaching, psicoterapeuta
EN00:34:48September 2023L’importanza del feedbackJan ArduiEsperto di leadership ed executive coaching, psicoterapeuta
IT01:12:01September 2023Gli ingredienti di una leadership d’eccellenza: incontro con Enrico Bartolini, lo chef più stellato d’ItaliaEnrico BartoliniChef stellato
IT00:55:15September 2023Spunti di management dai grandi della storia: Annibale tra strategia e cambiamentoAndrea LippariniProfessore Ordinario di Strategia, Università degli Studi di Bologna
IT EN00:16:10September 2023“But you don’t look Arab”: achieving success between identity and integrationHala GoraniJournalist, Anchor and Correspondent
IT EN00:23:38September 2023End of public opinion: democracies and thought in the era of social media Gianni RiottaPirelli Visiting Professor, Princeton University
IT EN00:20:23September 2023How AI 2.0 disrupts the world Kai-Fu LeeChairman and Chief Executive Officer; President , Sinovation Ventures; Sinovation Ventures Artificial Intelligence Institute
IT EN00:19:31September 2023The chip war and the future of the China-US tech competition Chris MillerProfessor of International History, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University
IT EN00:22:33September 2023 Looking for a new work-life balance: will we all work less (and better)? Charlotte LockhartChief Executive Officer, 4 Day Week Global
IT EN00:32:12September 2023What’s next in computing: the quantum disruption Dario GilDirector. Chair, IBM Research; MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab
IT EN00:26:07September 2023The new global macro trends and the challenges of inequality and climate change Joseph E. StiglitzUniversity Professor; Chief Economist; Nobel Laureate for Economics, Columbia University; Roosevelt Institute
IT EN00:23:27September 2023Autumn challenges: a moment of truth for Italy Ferruccio De BortoliJournalist and Writer; Editorialist, Corriere della Sera
IT EN00:15:42September 2023Science and innovation: scenarios for the futureMaria Chiara CarrozzaPresident, CNR – The National Research Council
IT EN00:16:09September 2023Adaptability: the key element in addressing ecological transition and beyondAlice C. HillDavid M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations
IT EN00:21:27September 2023 What future for Europe? The role of the youth Enrico LettaRapporteur; President, European Council; Jacques Delors Institut - Notre Europe
IT EN00:33:11July 2023The art of insubordination: cultivating the "good rebels" to make companies betterTodd KashdanAuthor; Professor of Psychology, George Mason University
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