IT00:03:27February 2021Il modello di Leadership dell’Aeronautica MilitareGaetano FarinaComandante della Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale “Frecce Tricolori”
IT00:08:33February 2021Stress, team e performance: l’esperienza delle Frecce TricoloriGaetano FarinaComandante della Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale “Frecce Tricolori”
IT01:02:34February 2021Dal caos americano al calderone Mediterraneo: quali prospettive per il futuro?Lucio CaraccioloDirettore, Limes
IT01:32:13February 2021Innovazione e sostenibilità: un nuovo modo di fare business. Incontro con Nicolas BargiNicolas BargiFondatore e Amministratore Delegato, Save the Duck
IT EN01:03:51February 2021Sustainability as a lever of transformation: L’Oréal case studyAlexandra PaltChief Corporate Responsibility Officer, L'Oréal
IT01:03:25December 2020Biden batte Trump: tempesta sull'America. E per noi?Lucio CaraccioloDirettore, Limes
EN00:26:24November 2020The world economy: challenges and prospectsHeiner FlassbeckHonorary Professor for Economics and Politics; Former State Secretary, Hamburg University; Federal Ministry of Finance, Germany
IT00:29:14November 2020La ripresa dell’Italia nel quadro economico europeoVeronica De RomanisProfessor of European Economic Policy, Stanford University, Florence and LUISS Guido Carli, Rome
IT00:30:34November 2020Agenda per l’Italia: sfide ed opportunità per futuri leaderCarlo CottarelliDirector of the Italian Public Finance Monitor, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
EN00:25:44November 2020Being 30 in the post Covid19 eraFrançois Villeroy De GalhauGovernor, Bank of France
EN00:25:11November 2020Mapping risks for investmentsMohamed El-ErianChief Economic Advisor; President, Allianz; Queens’ College, University of Cambridge
IT00:21:16November 2020L’Italia nel contesto geopolitico globaleLucio CaraccioloEditor-in-Chief, Limes
EN00:20:54November 2020The agenda for Europe: the roadmap to stabilityClaudia Dörr-VoβDeputy Minister for Economy Affairs and Energy, Germany
IT EN01:02:04November 2020Energising Creativity. The role of leaders and corporate culture for developing creativity and new ideasRichard HytnerFormer CEO EMEA and Deputy Chairman Global Strategy & Innovation; Founder; Adjunct Professor of Marketing, Saatchi & Saatchi; Blue Hat Man; Beta baboon; London Business School
IT EN00:29:32November 2020The fundamental differences between real and virtual team functioningJennifer JordanProfessor of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, IMD Business School
IT EN02:00:15November 2020Leadership in the era of digital disruption: key skills and efficient tools to transform objectives in tangible outcomes Jennifer JordanProfessor of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, IMD Business School
IT00:31:11November 2020When innovation fails: cosa (non) fare per innovare in aziendaEnzo CarroneDeputy CIO, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University
IT00:03:33October 2020Leadership, fiducia, autonomia e responsabilitàMaurizio CheliAstronauta, pilota collaudatore e imprenditore
IT00:06:48October 2020Il volo nello spazio: lessons learned. Parallelismi tra l'avventura aeronautica e il contesto aziendaleMaurizio CheliAstronauta, pilota collaudatore e imprenditore
IT00:04:48October 2020Le dinamiche a bordo: come raggiungere gli obiettivi comuniMaurizio CheliAstronauta, pilota collaudatore e imprenditore
IT EN00:56:43September 2020What does it take to be a great Leader? Hints from the business world for future leadersAmparo MoraledaMember, Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (Barcelona); Non-executive Director, Airbus and Vodafone; Former General Manager IBM for Spain, Portugal, Greece, Israel, and Turkey
IT EN00:49:56September 2020Country focus USA: future scenarios and possible impacts on Europe and ItalyAlec Ross(Author; Distinguished Visiting Professor, Bologna Business School
IT EN00:51:56September 2020The future of Leadership: challenges and opportunities in the Post-Pandemic WorldPeter Brabeck-LetmatheChairman Emeritus, Nestlé, Independent Director, Delta Topco Limited;
IT EN00:57:14September 2020Preventing future health crises: most relevant scientific and technological developments of the last 12 monthsMauro FerrariPresident and CEO, DXT Inc.; Professor of Pharmaceutics, University of Washington